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NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) – Officials have confirmed that the 20.73 inches of rain that was measured at the McEwen Wastewater Treatment Plant on Aug. 21 is the new state 24-hour precipitation record.
This breaks the previous record of 13.60 inches in Milan on Sept. 13, 1982.
The State Climate Extremes Committee (SCEC) in coordination with the National Weather Service Office in Nashville and the Tennessee State Climate Office at East Tennessee State University confirmed the record.
WAVERLY, TN (WSMV) – The Sheriff of Humphreys county believes a surge of water from broken earth beneath a CSX railroad track is likely respon…
After considering observation, the state and condition of the observing equipment, the meteorological environment in which the observation was recorded, the SCEC determined by a unanimous 5-0 vote that the 20.73 inches observed in McEwen was indeed valid and constitutes a record 24-hour precipitation total for Tennessee. The SCEC made this final determination on Oct. 27.
In addition, another observation of 17.03 inches at the Tennessee Valley Authority rain gauge in McEwen was recorded on the same date and is officially the second highest 24-hour precipitation total.
Catastrophic flash flooding occurred in Waverly and surrounding areas as a result of these record-breaking rainfall amounts that occurred on Aug. 21. The flooding resulted in 20 deaths in Humphreys County.
For the people of Waverly, Wednesday was a long-awaited day. When flash floods hit the city back in August, one of the places damaged was the only neighborhood grocery store.
The SCEC was composed of members representing five agencies: National Weather Service Office in Nashville, NWS Southern Region Climate Program Manager, Tennessee State Climate Office, Southern Regional Climate Center and National Center for Environmental Information. The committee is convened to adjudicate potential records for validity, according to the practices defined in NWS. When validated, the observation is considered the state record for that record type. is now with you on the go! Get the latest news updates and video, 4WARN weather forecast, weather radar, special investigative reports, sports headlines and much more from News4 Nashville.
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