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Skagit County Public Works has accepted 330 tons of flood debris at its transfer stations during a program in place since Nov. 20 that allows residents to dispose of such debris free of charge.
The debris has been part of 577 loads at a total disposal cost of $35,868.44, according to a Monday news release from Skagit County.
“We’re happy so many in the community were able to make use of this program,” Commissioner Lisa Janicki said in the release. “It’s a small thing but recovering from a flood event can be very costly and we were happy to help cover these waste expenses for community members.”
The program, which was implemented following November flooding, will run through Dec. 31.
The decision to discontinue the program comes after several days of no new flood debris being received at the transfer stations, according to the release.
Waste collection company Republic Services donated $10,000 to help pay for the program, while Skagit County is funding the remainder.
As of Monday, Skagit County has submitted flood damage estimates to the state totaling about $3 million in private business losses and about $11 million in residential losses.
According to the release, it is unclear if a state of emergency will be declared by the federal government and, therefore, if Federal Emergency Management Agency Individual Assistance flood aid will be made available.
Those with questions related to the November flooding may call the county Department of Emergency Management at 360-416-1850.
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