Owen Sennitt
– Credit: Mike Page
Stunning aerial photos show the impact of this week’s flooding in the Norfolk Broads.
A large body of land around Geldeston Locks along the River Waveney has been covered in water, following a week of flood alerts and warnings across the county.
The risk of flooding continues this weekend and a flood alert has now been issued for Saturday for the River Waveney from Ellingham to Breydon Water.
The Locks Inn, a pub in the area, was surrounded by water but fortunately it hasn’t entered the pub’s building itself.
Frank Barrett, who is the manager of the community-owned pub said: “It is all par for the course for us since we are located on a floodplain.
– Credit: Mike Page
“This time last year it was a foot deep inside the pub so we are quite happy at the moment and it is draining quite quickly.
“We are where we are and we can’t change it so we just have to adapt and work with what we have.
“We’ve had to change our opening hours as we don’t want people getting caught in the water but we’ve had a couple of boats pass through today.”
The flooding is being caused by high spring tides combined with weather conditions that is preventing the normal drainage into the North Sea.
– Credit: Archant
Paul Rice, senior flood warden for Potter Heigham who has 45 years’ experience in emergency events, said: “We are in constant contact with authorities and prepared to act as the situation changes.
“We are concerned about Saturday as the forecast of heavy rain could make problems worse but at the moment the wind direction is blowing towards Holland which is good news so hopefully conditions will improve.”
Fortunately there has been no rescue situations this week but flooding has affected a number of areas, including Potter Heigham and Surlingham.
Speaking earlier this week, Mr Rice attributed the increase in floods to the impact of climate change.
Mr Rice, who is also the founder of Broads River Watch, said: “It’s really having its impact. Flooding used to happen a few times a year, now it’s a few times a month.
“And as it worsens, more houses, people and businesses are at risk.”
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